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State Advocacy
Federal Advocacy

Professional Resources

  • This article in BMC Geriatrics examined mentions of malnutrition, frailty, and obesity in the multi-year aging plans required in every state to spend federal funds that foster healthy aging, including support of congregate/home delivered meals programs(Older Americans Act (OAA) nutrition programs).
  • Published: 2022

  • This article in the Journal of Elder Policy outlines the interrelation of older adult malnutrition and food insecurity with COVID-19, summarizes and gives examples of community-based nutrition programs that refocused some of their services during the COVID-19 pandemic, and explores pre- and post-COVID-19 policy actions and opportunities for improving the nutrition, health, and well-being of community-dwelling older Americans.
  • Published: 2021

Identifying Nutrition Risk in a Charitable Pharmacy Population

  • The study published in the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved was performed using a malnutrition screening tool developed by the Ohio Malnutrition Prevention Workgroup. The tool is the first of its kind to screen for both food insecurity and malnutrition risk. 
  • Published: 2021

  • The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics released a supplement to the September Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics on the Malnutrition Quality Improvement Initiative (MQii). The articles and abstracts featured in this supplement highlight the impact of malnutrition quality improvement on interdisciplinary patient care and clinical nutrition practice.
  • Published: 2019

  • The start of a new Congressional session is an opportunity to highlight issues that can improve the health of our nation. Identifying and treating malnutrition warrants the attention of health care providers and our country's policymakers. This article reviews opportunities to improve malnutrition policy.
  • Published: 2019

  • Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) and frailty are frequently unidentified and untreated in community settings across the United States. This article reviews the validity, reliability, and feasibility of screening tools for identifying PEM and frailty risk among community-dwelling older adults. 
  • Published: 2019

  • Disease-associated malnutrition is a prevalent condition, but there is limited evidence on the state-level burden. This study aims to examine and quantify the state-level economic burden of disease associated malnutrition. 
  • Published: 2016

  • This poster was presented at the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Conference. 
  • Published: 2015

  • This article reviews the important role that physicians play in recognizing malnutrition diagnostic criteria and making appropriate recommendations to ensure proper nutrition following inpatient stays. 
  • Published: 2015

Economic burden of community-based disease-associated malnutrition in the United States

  • This study measured the economic burden of community-based disease-associated malnutrition (DAM) in the United States. 
  • Published: 2014
Comments & Letters









Malnutrition Connections:

DMT Policy Agendas:



Other Resources:

Healthy People 2030

The Healthy People 2030 is the nation's 10-year plan for addressing public health priorities and challenges. Using data collected over the past forty years, the plan sets objectives to improve health and well-being over the next decade. Some of these goals address malnutrition and food insecurity challenges like:

Click the links above to see what data the US collects and how we're meeting these goals. Click here to see all the objectives.


The Older Americans Act (OAA) helps support social and nutrition services for older adults. OAA nutrition programs are congregate (senior center) meals and Meals on Wheels.

Access to OAA nutrition programs is critical to helping reduce older adult malnutrition. This map has links to each state's OAA programs. Share the map to help increase use of these programs by older adults and help defeat malnutrition today.


The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is a federal nutrition program. It provides supplemental benefits to individuals/families for purchasing nutritious food. Only a small percent of older adults enroll in/use SNAP compared to those who are actually eligible.

By increasing SNAP enrollment/use among eligible older adults we may be able to reduce malnutrition. This map has links to each state's SNAP application. Share the map to help increase SNAP use by older adults and help defeat malnutrition today.


  • Webinar, Farm Bill and Older Adults (slides, video)
  • Webinar, 6-month update, White House Conference of Hunger, Nutrition, and Health (slides, video)
  • Webinar, 2023 New Congress and Policy Priorities (slides, video)


  • Webinar, Lessons Learned: State Actions and Advocacy to Address Malnutrition (slides, video)
  • Webinar, Advocating for Older Adult Malnutrition and the Inpatient Malnutrition measure (slides, video) (Note: recording NOT eligible for CE credit)
  • Webinar, Malnutrition in Underserved Populations: State Actions and Advocacy (slides, video/audio)
  • Webinar, Connecting Science to Practice: The OAA Nutrition Program as Malnutrition Prevention (slides)
  • Webinar, Links between Food insecurity, Nutrition and Mental Health (slides, video)




  • Virtual Briefing (slides, video/audio, resources from ACL)
  • Webinar, State Malnutrition Advocacy (slides)
  • Webinar, National Developments in Addressing Older Adult Malnutrition: From Research to Policies to Programs (slides)
  • Webinar, MQii Policy Update (slides)
  • Webinar, "GAO Report Discussion: What’s Next for Federal Senior Nutrition Programs?" (slides, video/audio)


  • 2019:
  • Webinar, "Working Together: Tips and Strategies for Building a Malnutrition Advocacy Coalition" (slides, video/audio)
  • Capitol Hill Briefing (slides)
  • Webinar, "Bridging the Silos of Health and Social Malnutrition Care" (slides, video/audio)
  • Webinar, "Connecting the Dots Across Oral Health, Food Insecurity, and Malnutrition" (slides, video/audio)
  • Webinar, State and Local Policy (slides)
  • Webinar, Policy Agenda (slides, video/audio)


  • Presentation, Gerontological Society of America Conference (poster)
  • Webinar, State Legislative Actions (slides, video/audio)
  • Presentation, Healthy Aging Summit (poster)
  • Presentation, American Society on Aging: Shared Decision-Making (slides)
  • Presentation, American Society on Aging: Malnutrition in Nursing Homes (slides)
  • Presentation, Policy Agenda (slides, video/audio)



  • Testimony to Ohio Malnutrition Commission (pdf)



  • Presentation, Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo (poster)
  • DMT Advocacy Day:
  • Briefing (slides)
  • Congressional Sign-On Letter (pdf)
  • Infographic (pdf)
  • Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Article on Quality Measures (pdf)
  • Webinar, Senior Malnutrition (slides

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