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As a nonpartisan coalition, Defeat Malnutrition Today is working to advance the fight against malnutrition in older adults through advocacy and federal policy work. We are a diverse alliance of over 100 national, state, and local stakeholders and organizations, including community, healthy aging, nutrition, advocacy, healthcare professional, faith-based, and private sector groups.

Our work in the past has focused on malnutrition quality measures, national and state legislation affecting older adult malnutrition, and federal regulations related to older adult malnutrition. One of our biggest projects was the development of a National Blueprint: Achieving Quality Malnutrition Care for Older Adults.

Organizational membership consists of being placed on our website, counted among our members, and being placed on our policy mailing list. You may participate as much or as little as you like in our advocacy and policy work. It is free to join. To join as an organization, please fill out this form.

Defeat Malnutrition Today receives support from Abbott.


The Defeat Malnutrition Today coalition is a diverse alliance of almost 120 national, state, and local stakeholders and organizations, including community, healthy aging, nutrition, advocacy, healthcare professional, faith-based, and private sector groups. The coalition shares the goal of achieving the recognition of malnutrition as a key indicator and vital sign of older adult health; it works to create policy change toward a greater emphasis on screening, detecting, treating and preventing malnutrition.

 AARP Foundation

Abbott Nutrition
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
AgeWell Senior Services
Aging & In-Home Services of Northeast Indiana, Inc.
Alabama Dietetic Association
Alliance for Aging Research
Altarum Institute Center for Elder Care and Advanced Illness
Alzheimer’s Foundation of America
American Academy of Physician Assistants
American Geriatrics Society
American Medical Women's Association
American Society for Nutrition
American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN)
American Society on Aging
Area Agency on Aging 3 (Lima, OH)
Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio, Inc.
Avalere Health
Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging
Berks Encore
Caregiver Action Network
Chautauqua County Office for the Aging
Coastline Elderly Services, Inc.
Community Servings
Creating Healthier Communities
Cynthia Chow and Associates
Dakota Dietitians
Defeat Malnutrition Today Philadelphia
DocRD® L.L.C.
Elder Justice Coalition
Elior North America
Feeding America
Feeding Florida
Food Research and Action Center
Fordham University Henry C. Ravazzin Center on Aging and Intergenerational Studies
Fruitful LLC
Generations United
George Mason University: College of HHS
God’s Love We Deliver
Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources, Inc.
Guntersville Lions Club
Healthcare Nutrition Council
Health Foundation for Western & Central NY
Helping Hands of Las Vegas Valley
Hunger Free America
International Council on Active Aging
Jewish Federations of North America
Latino Integrative Nutrition Initiative (LINI)
Lewis Mason Thurston Area Agency on Aging
LifeCare Alliance
Maryland Department of Aging
Massachusetts Councils on Aging
MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger
Meals on Wheels America
Meals on Wheels Association of Pennsylvania
Meals on Wheels of the Greater Lehigh Valley
Meals on Wheels Western South Dakota
Medicaid Health Plans of America
Medline Industries
MidPen Resident Services
MySurgeryPlate LLC


National Alliance for Caregiving
National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP)
National Black Nurses Association
National Board of Physician Nutrition Specialists
National Council on Aging
National Foundation to End Senior Hunger
National Grange
National Hispanic Council on Aging
National Hispanic Medical Association
National Indian Council on Aging 
National Institute for African American Health
National Medical Association
National Minority Quality Forum
National Recreation and Park Association
National Senior Corps Association
National Silver Haired Congress
Neighborly Care Network
Nestle Health Science
New Era Healthcare
North Dakota Senior Service Providers
Open Hand Atlanta
PA Foundation
Philadelphia Corporation for Aging
Project Angel Food
PurFoods/Mom's Meals
Roche Dietitians
SAGE - Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders
Salvation Army
Senior Connections, The Capital Area Agency on Aging
Senior Nutrition Program- Santa Clara County
Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior
South Dakota Adult Nutrition Program
Southeastern Association of Area Agencies on Aging (se4a)
State of NC’s OAA Nutrition Services
Textured Food Innovations
The Gerontological Society of America
The National Caucus and Center on Black Aging
The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care
TIRR Memorial Hermann
Tivity Health
Treasure Coast Council of Black Nurses
Trinity Health
Tufts University Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill Hospital Emergency Department
Vermont Association of Area Agencies on Aging
Veterans Health Council
VNA Meals on Wheels
Washington Association of Area Agencies on Aging
Washoe County Social Services, Senior Nutrition Services
West Health
Western Reserve AAA
Women In Government
Women's Institute for a Secure Retirement
YMCA of the USA

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