This benefits checkup from the National Council on Aging (NCOA) identifies local programs that you may qualify for.
Elder Index from Gerontology Institute (2021) is a tool to identify local expenses, savings requirements, and what incomes are needed to achieve economic security by family type, and at the city, county, and state levels.
What do we Know and Can Do about Malnutrition from the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) (2015) surveyed Americans to measure their knowledge and perceptions about malnutrition in older adults. Key Findings: Americans understand that identifying and treating malnutrition is important for older adult health and would like more information on the problem.
Managing Muscle Loss: What You Need to Know report from AARP/Abbott (2016) provides insights into the state of health for AARP members age 50+, as well as this group’s understanding of important nutrition, exercise, and muscle mass fundamentals.